28 Recommendations 6. How beneficial would an international cooperation of these actors be? It is considered by all respondents to be “ very advantageous ”. 7. In your opinion, how could it be achieved? The key actions to take are the peer-to-peer learning and exchange; the informal working groups; the local networking and with similar projects all over Europe, trying to foster civic, social and economic inclusion of migrants. Below their quotes: • Dedicating time to self-training and peer exchange. • Creating informal working groups. • Promoting the project activities of this and other similar projects. • Promoting agreements and partnerships between public and private. • In Rome, my association is part of the Council for the Integration of Foreign Citizens of the VII Municipality and the associations that are part of it try to share information on activities in favour of foreigners. At the same time, to put pressure on the public administration to make it more accessible for foreigners. For us this is an example of a small network that seeks to integrate and above all promote awareness and respect for diversity. Unfortunately, in Rome our experience was the only one, in the 15 municipalities of the capital, as they depend on the political will to promote or not participation in the civic life of the municipality. 8. What other similar actions should be undertaken by organizations active in the fields of education and migrant integration to support marginalised migrants and engage them back in training and education activities? For our professionals it is important to support the key competences acquisition, the cooperation and the multidisciplinary approach, fostering the exchange of best practices (like the Social Café), and in the town of Rome, as in all the town districts, to support the constitution of the so called “Consulte”, consultative bodies on specific issues, e.g., equal opportunities for migrants, elderly and disable people, youth policies. The role of this consultative body, composed by members of the so called “civil society”, has the main aim to foster, in our case, the inclusion of migrant citizens, expanding the fields of their integration through non-formal education, cultural and artistic expression. Below their quotes: • Greater cooperation between public and private social bodies is always the key issue, in addition to the need to have a greater presence of intercultural mediators in public services so that people are guided and accompanied in the inclusive processes. • Provide skills they need. • By organizing public meetings to exchange experiences. • Social cafe. • As the only remaining council for the integration of foreign citizens was the one at the VII municipality of Rome, we are waiting for the electoral outcome of the administrative elections to promote the presence of these councils in all municipalities. Also at the European level, it is important to keep alive the partnerships with which we work well together.