ENTRADA IO1_WQ Masterdoc_revBC

ENTRADA If you want to know what tolerance is, you may click on the links below: https://www.dw.com/en/beingtolerant/a35895644#:~:text=To%20be%20tolerant %20means%20that,sure%20that%20you%20are%20right. https://www.idareact.org/do-you-tolerate-or-respect-the-diversity/ If you want to know what practising tolerance can do at the level of a Nation, you can click on the link below: http://www.yourcommonwealth.org/social-development/human-rights/what- can-tolerance-do-for-a- nation/#:~:text=Being%20able%20to%20accept%20one,happiness%20in%20the% 20overall%20community. https://www.dw.com/en/being-tolerant/a-35895644 If you want to find examples of how we can practice tolerance, you can click on the link below: https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Tolerant-of-Others If you want to discover 5 simple ways to encourage mutual respect and tolerance, you can click on the link below: https://www.tts-group.co.uk/blog/2016/05/19/5-simple-ways-encourage-mutual- respect-tolerance.html EVALUATION In this section, learners will complete the following quiz to test their knowledge and skills on prejudice and stereotypes: This is only a very simple test – it could also form the basis for a discussion about tolerance. 1. You walk in the park and see a couple kissing. You estimate that they are aged in their late 70s. What do you think about? a. People their age should not be acting this way. 0 b. Wonderful, it is great that they are so in love still. 2 c. Good. But it is not necessary to act this way in public 1 2. Think of a household in which the man takes care of everything? What do you say? a. There is no problem with that. 2 b. This poor man! 0 c. This woman has a real good life 1 3. In a restaurant you see a child eating food with their hands. What do you think? a. The parents have not taught this child manners 0 b. All children eat like this 1 c. Everyone has to learn to eat somehow 2 4. You meet your child’s English teacher. He is wearing a pair of yellow trousers and roller-skates: what do you think about him? a. It is good exercise, better for the environment than driving 2 b. He is a childish man but could be a good teacher to children 1